What does GTPC Provide

What Does GTPC Provide

A thorough survey, acceptable estimate and cost effective and extensive proposal, free of charge are conducted by our professional sales consultants.

A comprehensive pest control program and guarantees a pest -free environment that keeps your premise free from dangerous pests around the corner and to protect it from all sorts of food poisoning, infection or materials and property damage.

Our policies and guarantees are our commitment to provide you the best services .Our goal is to provide the highest quality pest control services at affordable prices, and meet your expectations.

Freedom From

Rodent, mice, black & white ants, cockroaches, Mosquito, Flies, Bedbug etc.

A detailed, scientific and technical survey report is submitted along with our proposal evaluating the pre-status of the premises and suggested post-scope of work custom tailored through GTPC’S service.

Our customer service officers are ready to promptly attend to our customer’s requirements, respond to their queries, advise the ultimate solutions and arrange the appropriate recommendations.

By using an ultra safe and scientific treatment, through our service systems organized by our qualified professional.

Mode of Services

Single services- one time services
Contract services- Yearly Contract
Half – Yearly Contract
Quarterly Contract